Resources > How-To Guides > How to wear a dive belt safely

How to wear a dive belt safely

Dive belt instructions

A rubber belt will be one of the best pieces of equipment you can invest in.
When worn correctly you will eliminate what we call "belt shift" belt shift, is when your weight belt
slides around on your hips and in some cases slides of your hips.
A rubber belt will expand and contract to the water pressure when diving,
and will constantly grip onto your wetsuit.

1) Tighten your belt onto your hips.
If you put it around your stomach then it will squash your diaphragm,
and restrict your air intake.

Rubber belt 1.jpg

2) Gather your excess belt and fold as in the picture below.

Rubber Belt2.jpg

3) Fold the excess rubber belt, and slide it into the belt which is around your waist.

Rubber Belt3.jpg

4) Leave enough belt sticking out so you can safely grab it
if you have to release your belt in an emergency.

Rubber Belt4.jpg

If you need to put more holes in your belt, you can punch a hole.
Ensure the hole is round so the belt won't split.
You can buy a small hole cutter from most hardware stores.